Not keeping abreast of the green provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act could lead to trouble.
September 27 -
ERC "mills" have come out of the woodwork to lure small business owners into taking a lucrative tax credit they don't qualify for. Here's what advisors need to know.
September 20 -
Yvon Chouinard described his decision to give away the outdoor apparel-maker as his last-ditch effort to do all he could to protect the planet, but the deal is structured in ways that bring his family tax perks.
September 16 -
The Act provides higher deductions for meeting prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.
September 16ICS Tax LLC -
Business Roundtable Chief Executive Officer Joshua Bolten on Wednesday flagged concerns that reviving the deduction for R&D will fall off of Congress's agenda later this year, despite it having bipartisan support.
September 16 -
Kreston Global introduced a Global Transfer Pricing Group, led by David Whitmer, who leads the National Transfer Pricing Practice at Kreston's U.S. member firm CBIZ.
September 15 -
What happens if your client invests in a Roth IRA? What about buying a home? Or even donating to charity?
September 13Tobin & Collins -
Investors tend to "chase yield" in tough economic times, but there's a price to that.
September 13 -
A look inside some of the green energy and energy-efficiency provisions of the new legislation, and what they'll mean going forward.
September 12 -
A recent study has found that the number of people who overestimate how savvy they are has grown.
September 9