Dozens of audit triggers litter Donald Trump's tax returns, according to Congress's top nonpartisan tax lawyers.
December 21 -
The next generation of the ultra-rich say they're ready for succession. The executives responsible for managing families' fortunes aren't so sure.
December 20 -
Certain wealthy people have placed big bets on the companies that made them rich for decades without the IRS objecting.
December 20 -
An academic paper challenges the entrenched message that America faces a retirement crisis.
December 20 -
Among the items on the cutting-room floor are a deal on corporate tax breaks, including the expensing of research and development spending.
December 20 -
Chances are dimming that Congress will take up a multibillion-dollar package to renew a cluster of business tax breaks and provide a more generous child tax credit before lawmakers leave Washington for the year.
December 16 -
If the program ultimately moves forward, tax professionals should know about the rules when advising their clients.
December 14Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting North America -
Billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin sued the Internal Revenue Service, claiming it failed to protect his confidential financial information.
December 14 -
Unlike stocks, digital currencies aren't hit by the wash-sale rule — a major opportunity to turn lemons into lemonade.
December 13 -
Democratic senators are set to propose a bill that would force U.S. oil companies to pay more tax at a time when they're raking in record profits.
December 8