You get to focus on client relationships instead of pure transactions, and your client feels more valued in return.
June 19"The Radical CPA" -
As bonus depreciation leverages down, cost segregation professionals have to wonder what happens if bonus phases out.
June 14McGuire Sponsel -
Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee advanced a series of bills aimed at reducing taxes but also rolling back parts of the IRA.
June 13 -
A wave of new legislative proposals touch on a number of tax-related issues.
June 7 -
In this Vendor Spotlight, we get to know the tax solutions and support company Vertex.
June 7 -
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit can help offset labor shortage issues.
June 6Arvo Tech -
Portland, Oregon, may penalize higher earners more than any other large U.S. city, according to a new report.
June 2 -
More art than science, financial advisors can face difficulty in determining what constitutes a "substantially identical" security.
May 30 -
Tax-loss harvesting can eke out some extra percentage points of return — if you don't try to time the market and miss a rebound.
May 23 -
Signed into law last December and now partly in force, the sweeping retirement overhaul package presents new planning opportunities for millions of Americans and financial advisors.
May 15