The ultra-wealthy are using DAFs and private foundations to avoid taxes and exert influence, at the expense of ordinary taxpayers.
November 16 -
The service announced its annual inflation adjustments, including increases in the standard deduction and changes in tax brackets.
November 9 -
CPAs' real pay; crypto data released; factoring receivables; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.
November 7 -
Many are considering extra hiring to handle the upcoming mandates, according to KPMG.
November 7 -
The IRS's most recent study of how much taxpayers aren't paying suggests some important priorities going forward.
October 31 -
In spite of the lack of new tax legislation so far this year, taxpayers and tax preparers have plenty to focus on in preparing 2023 returns.
October 25 -
Gov. Pritzker's comments follow months of speculation over how Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson plans to raise revenue to tackle the city's embattled finances.
October 16 -
A former IRS contractor admitted stealing information about the former president and thousands of wealthy Americans and leaking it to two news organizations.
October 13 -
Negotiators presented a legal text that sets out who can levy the profits of the world's biggest corporations in order to prevent a resurgence of trade tensions.
October 11 -
Significant tax and legal issues may be triggered with some types of estate planning arrangements.
October 10Goldberg & Goldberg