Taking the Bill of Rights as her model, Olson proposed a list of 10 taxpayer rights that should be formally acknowledged -- and then added a list of five taxpayer responsibilities, including our personal favorite: The Responsibility to Be Courteous (to IRS personnel, that is).

1. The Right to Be Informed

2. The Right to Quality Service

3. The Right to Pay No More than the Correct Amount of Tax

4. The Right to Challenge the IRSs Position and Be Heard

5. The Right to Appeal an IRS Decision in an Independent Forum

6. The Right to Finality

7. The Right to Privacy

8. The Right to Confidentiality

9. The Right to Retain Representation

10. The Right to a Fair and Just Tax System, Including Access to the Taxpayer Advocate Service

Five Taxpayer Responsibilities<P>1. The Responsibility to Be Honest

2. The Responsibility to Provide Accurate Information

3. The Responsibility to Keep Records

4. The Responsibility to Pay Taxes on Time