The taxation of digital assets continues to be an area of confusion. The Internal Revenue Service has long taken the position that digital assets are treated the same as other property and are taxed when you receive them as payment for a transaction or where you sell them or trade them in a transaction. Like other property, digital assets are not taxed when you receive them for cash.
However, issues have come up when digital assets are received for other purposes, such as through forks, mining or staking — transactions involving digital assets which as capital assets would be reported on Form 8949.
The recent focus by the IRS has been on broker reporting of digital asset transactions to try to reduce noncompliance in the area. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act authorized the broker reporting of digital assets. Form 1099-B, the existing broker reporting form, was initially used for the reporting requirement. Questions arose, however, as to who is a broker in the digital assets context and whether the entities that the IRS designated as digital asset brokers have the information to make the required reports to the IRS.
The IRS has now developed Form 1099-DA for digital assets. Final regulations on broker reporting were issued on June 28, 2024. The service is hoping to be able to match Form 1099-DA reports from brokers to Form 8949 reports from taxpayers.
Form 1040 reporting
For 2024 tax returns, the digital asset question on the Form 1040 has not changed from 2023: "At any time during 2024, did you: (a) receive (as a reward, award or payment for property or services); or (b) sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of a digital asset (or a financial interest in a digital asset)?"
There are disputes between the IRS and the crypto industry about when crypto is converted into something else. For example, there is currently litigation over whether rewards of additional crypto for staking — the process of locking up your cryptocurrency in a wallet to help run a blockchain — results in a taxable transaction (the view of the IRS if the taxpayer has the ability to sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of the rewards) or a nontaxable transaction (the Jarrett cases).
In Revenue Ruling 2023-14, the IRS reaffirmed its position that staking rewards are taxable. The IRS issued a refund in the first Jarrett case to get a court decision that the issue was moot and no decision on the merits was made. In Rev. Rul. 2023-14, the IRS did not provide any guidance as to how staking awards should be valued. It also stated that it was taking no position at the time as to whether "gas" fees paid to a validator for the cost of the computing power used in the validation process are taxable.
Since digital assets are not viewed by the IRS as securities, the wash sale rules do not apply to digital asset transactions. Digital assets treated as capital assets qualify, along with other capital assets, for tax loss harvesting.
Broker reporting
The issues that have come up with broker reporting of digital asset transactions include who is a broker; getting the brokers to report not only the values of digital assets at the time of the transaction but also the cost basis of those assets; helping broker reporting match taxpayer reporting; and determining what information is available to the brokers to comply with filing the Form 1099-DA.
The final version of the 2025 1099-DA was issued on Jan. 10, 2025. It is to be used for 2025 transactions and issued by Feb. 17, 2026 (electronically by March 31, 2026). The instructions discuss reporting of when the broker is using customer-provided information (Box 8), dates of transfer (Box 12b), and reporting of nonfungible tokens and stable coins.
To assist traditional brokers who only have limited involvement with digital assets, Form 1099-B may still be used for tokenized securities settled or cleared on a limited-access regulated network. To assist brokers in transitioning to the new reporting requirements, the IRS is deferring broker reporting of the cash basis on digital assets until 2026. The IRS is also planning to require that, in determining the digital assets to look at for the cost basis, the taxpayer look only to the particular wallet or account held by the broker, again so that the 1099-DA information is more likely to match the information on the tax return.

There are issues with calculating the crypto cost basis to apply. Taxpayers would generally prefer to apply specific identification by the taxpayer so that the taxpayer can select the highest-basis crypto that is being sold. The IRS wants the broker custodian of the crypto and even trading front-end service providers (DeFi brokers) to report the cost basis on Form 1099-DA.
The service is also proposing that, to help the crypto broker reporting on Form 1099-DA match what the taxpayer is reporting on the tax return, the cost basis be determined separately for each wallet, rather than being able to combine all similar crypto held in separate wallets. For 2025, Form 1099-DA is being required to be filed by crypto brokers; however, the cost basis is not being required. Litigation is also challenging the application of the broker reporting requirements to DeFi brokers.
Revenue Procedure 2024-28 provides a safe harbor under Code Sec. 1012(c)(1) to allocate unused basis of digital assets held within each wallet or account of the taxpayer as of Jan. 1, 2025. The default allocation of basis is based on first-in/first-out principles; however, the taxpayer or the broker, as directed by the taxpayer, may utilize specific identification. The deadline for making the allocation is the earlier of the date of the first sale in the year or the due date for the 2025 tax return. Frequently asked questions provide guidance as to when specific identification can be used.
Notice 2024-56 provides transitional relief to brokers who fail to report sales of digital assets or fail to do back-up withholding. It also permits brokers to rely on uncertified taxpayer identification numbers for 2026. Several types of transactions are specifically excluded from broker reporting requirements. Notice 2024-57 provides related penalty relief for brokers' failure to file information returns.
To help crypto brokers get their technology together to do cost-basis reporting, the IRS has delayed the crypto cost-basis reporting requirement until after Dec. 31, 2025. This permits taxpayers to continue to use specific identification for crypto transactions based on the taxpayer's books and records rather than the broker's 1099-DA report for 2025. FIFO remains the default treatment for 2025 if the taxpayer does not do specific identification.
The IRS is still struggling to keep up with all the forms of digital asset transactions as they are developed. It is also struggling to get effective third-party reporting by brokers in order to reduce taxpayer noncompliance. In the meantime, the crypto industry hopes that the Trump administration might have a friendlier tax view of crypto transactions, and the IRS focus might change under new leadership.