AT Think

In the blogs: Thought, politics, repeat

Relative accuracy; biggest cyberthreats; end-of-year meetings; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

Thought, politics, repeat

Generally favorable

  • HBK ( A look at final regs addressing basis consistency for certain inherited property. They "address a number of concerns from practitioners and are generally viewed as favorable."
  • TaxProf Blog ( The end of multinationals' tax avoidance may be in sight (maybe) after reform spearheaded by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development under its Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project. BEPS began as a technical project to identify and propose remedies for many complex planning techniques in cross-border taxation, but its scope has become more ambitious.
  • Tax Notes ( The Fifth Circuit has issued a per curiam opinion on Johnson v. Commissioner that, among other points, addressed the requirement for supervisory approval of penalties with an exception for penalties that are "automatically calculated through electronic means." Seems the IRS doesn't always have to be as accurate as the rest of us.
  • Avalara ( A look at the new sales tax amnesty program in Massachusetts.
  • Marcum ( Awful colorful names highlight the past month's big cyberthreats.
  • Tax Foundation ( Favorite headline of the week: "Why Should I Care About the Corporate Tax Rate?"

Surprises expected and otherwise

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