AT Think

In the blogs: Speculation rules

IRS errors; hiring your kids; investment fund audits; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

Speculation rules

  • Procedurally Taxing ( Nina Olson argues that the IRS is violating the Taxpayer Bill of Rights in how the agency administers math or clerical errors.
  • Eide Bailly ( A successfully executed procedural maneuver means that House lawmakers will vote on disaster tax relief. Also, speculation rules when talking about the fate of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
  • Tax Vox ( Are billionaire taxes falling? Depends on who pays corporate taxes.
  • The Tax Times ( "Not knowing" holds little water when trying to get out of a FBAR penalty.
  • Sovos ( Keep your friends close and your data closer: How e-invoicing can help with better business decisions.
  • Meyers Brothers Kalicka ( You raised them, you treasure them, you'd change the world for them. But should you hire your kids?
  • Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ( How progressive taxes support better teacher pay and better education.
  • TaxConnex ( Once upon a time, your e-commerce clients' selling online meant little more than setting up a website and waiting for the customers to roll in. Online selling today, though, often flows through household-name marketplaces such as Amazon, Etsy, eBay and TikTok. Who's supposed to handle sales tax in these cases?

Across the pond

In the back door

  • Parametric ( Recent higher rates and banking turmoil are well known to investors in preferred securities, but here's why preferreds continue to offer return potential and a tax-advantaged income stream.
  • National Association of Tax Professionals ( This week's "You Make the Call" looks at Shirley, who has a rental house she has owned and used for rental activity for 10 years. Shirley wants to give the property to her son, Joey. Will converting it to personal use be a taxable event, including recognition of depreciation recapture? 
  • Withum ( What commonly triggers audits of an investment fund?
  • University of Illinois Tax School Blog ( What to remind them about the advantages to taxes (and nest eggs) of backdoor Roths.
  • Summing It Up ( Your not-for-profit clients' budgets aren't much different from those of their for-profit counterparts, but they do require more careful, detailed attention.
  • Turbotax ( What to remind them about the tax differences between FSAs and HSAs.
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Tax tools IRS Tax preparation E-Commerce Sales tax Audit Roth IRAs Non-profits HSAs