Back to school; a possible bitcoin bubble; good uses for reverse audits; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.
Setting dates
- The Wandering Tax Pro ( ): Lesson one for parents of new college students: The U.S. Tax Code provides several benefits to help pay for a college education but you better save that documentation. - Tax Girl ( ): The start of a new school year and an apparently growing economy make for a busy time for the housing rental market. Here’s what to remind your tenant-clients about possible tax benefits for renters. - TaxMama ( ): TaxMama reminds all in the gig economy about estimated tax payments being due, and some tips for maintaining both a livelihood and some dignity. - TurboTax ( ): What to tell them when they miss the deadline for paying estimated tax. - Solutions for CPA Firm Leaders ( ): How to combat those late-summer, laid-back lazy days. - Rubin on Tax ( ): Applicable Federal rates for September. - John R. Dundon II EA ( ): Fiscal 2018 per diem rates, the standard of which is up two bucks.
Of buds and bits
- Taxable Talk ( ): Tulips in 1637 cost more than a house, which in the light of the passed centuries seems downright silly. But are cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin riding a similar silly bubble? - Don’t Mess With Taxes ( ): The U.S. and the U.K.: Two peoples separated by a common language but united in the sharing of similar problems with tax law complexity. - AG Tax ( ): The “Mid-Year Tax Review for Canadian Taxpayers” provides a new perspective on a common American tax tip. - The Income Tax School ( ): Forget Everything You’ve Been Told Dept.: A look at new guidelines for old passwords. - Focus ( ): Blogger Peter Soman examines the handy-dandy reverse audit to find overpayments that can lead to refunds.
Cases in point
- Due Diligence ( ): In this week’s collection: “SEC Charges FEBC (Federal Employee Benefits Counselors) for Targeting Federal Employees in Variable Annuity Scheme”; “ICBC Prosecution: Intersection of Customs Duty Evasion and Money Laundering”; “Medicare Fraud Investigation – Always Best Care of Michiana.” - Procedurally Taxing ( ): Trimmer v. Commissioner provides good news for taxpayers who fail to roll over their IRAs on a timely basis -- and perhaps good news for taxpayers in other circumstances who have a good equitable argument. - Houston Tax Attorney ( ): Passive activity loss rules can prevent real estate investors from being able to deduct their real estate losses — but rules and how they have been interpreted “draw some known but arbitrary lines in the sand” as addressed in the recent Hickam v. Commissioner.