Possible staffing remedies; declared dead; Moore moves; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.
Money, money, money
- Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (
https://itep.org/category/blog/ ): How two headline lawmakers are trying to repeal "an arcane business tax increase" for the benefit of the private equity industry — and how the politicos' explanations reportedly don't hold up. - The Rosenberg Associates (
https://rosenbergassoc.com/blog/ ): Three possible solutions to the demand-supply imbalance of accounting staff. - Solutions For CPA Firm Leaders (
https://ritakeller.com/wordpress/ ): What each generation needs out of post-pandemic work. - TaxProf Blog (
http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/ ): What makes some nations rich and others poor? Why do even the most powerful states struggle to tax giant multinationals? One answer to both questions lies in a system of "Global Jim Crow" created as a response to fears over the rise of sovereign African states in the late 1950s and 1960s. A new book is out on the topic. - Meyers Brothers Kalicka (
https://www.mbkcpa.com/insights ): A handy rundown of recent tax changes affecting businesses and individuals. - Palm Beach Accounting and Financial Services (
https://www.pbafs.com/blog ): High-income earners don't face retirement challenges? Think again.
Glam, slam and Polly
- Sikich (
https://www.sikich.com/insights/ ): "First GLAM, and now Slam": A look at how the IRS is taking off the gloves with questionable Employee Retention Credit claims. - Don't Mess with Taxes (
http://dontmesswithtaxes.typepad.com/ ): Favorite caption of the week: "Your next 'welcome to the new job' handshake could be at the Internal Revenue Service." - Procedurally Taxing (
https://procedurallytaxing.com ): In this blog's new home, Keith Fogg examines a recent Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration report on the number of taxpayers that the IRS mistakenly declares, as Python put it, "an ex-parrot." - Tax Vox (
https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox ): Favorite headline of the week: "Will the Supreme Court Use a Fishing Dispute to Curb Treasury and IRS Tax Rules?" - EideBailly (
https://www.eidebailly.com/taxblog ): Told Ya There Was A Storm Comin' Dept.: FinCEN has released its guide to help small businesses comply with looming beneficial ownership requirements.
It's all a blur
- Vertex (
https://www.vertexinc.com/resources/resource-library/filter/field_asset_type/blog?page=0 ): Favorite headline of the week: "Welcome to Retail's 'Blur Era'" of customers ordering online then picking up at the store. What are the tax compliance complexities? - University of Illinois Tax School (
https://taxschool.illinois.edu/blog/) : A recent webinar yielded more than a few interesting questions about the tax treatment of pass-through entities. - Taxjar (
https://www.taxjar.com/resources/blog ): October sales tax due dates. - Withum (
https://www.withum.com/resources/ ): State tax updates from Mississippi, California and Georgia. - TaxConnex (
https://www.taxconnex.com/blog- ): It's an e-commerce model turbocharged by customers' dopamine rushes, but what are the sales tax implications for subscription-based businesses? - Avalara (
https://www.avalara.com/blog/en/north-america.html ): A state-by-state guide of vendor discounts for filing sales tax returns on time.
More is more
- Virginia – US Tax Talk (
https://us-tax.org/about-this-us-tax-blog/ ): Should you file a protective refund claim for the transition tax while waiting for the U.S. Supreme Court? How "Moore might mean more …" - Current Federal Tax Developments (
https://www.currentfederaltaxdevelopments.com/ ): In Johnson v. Commissioner, a taxpayer conceded multiple errors on returns but litigated solely to contest the 20% accuracy-related penalty. The taxpayer argued that the penalty was unwarranted due to their reasonable reliance on the advice of the CPA who prepared the returns. Unfortunately for the taxpayer, his extensive experience in the real estate industry counted against him in court.