AT Think

In the blogs: Keeping It Straight

The limits of DOGE; big pharma and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; soda tax misaimed; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

Keeping It Straight

  • HBK ( In the latest lob of the ball back over the net, the Supreme Court says it will allow the Corporate Transparency Act and beneficial ownership reporting.
  • Eide Bailly ( Basically, on Jan. 23, the Supreme Court stayed an injunction on reporting, pending consideration by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. "However, there is another nationwide order issued by a different federal district court that remains in place, and the government states 'reporting companies are not currently required to file beneficial ownership information with FinCEN despite the Supreme Court's action'." 
  • Taxable Talk ( More on BOI reporting, with wittily placed strikethroughs.
  • Tax Vox ( DOGE could end up missing some of the largest government programs — because they're hidden in the Tax Code and run by the IRS.

Making an impression

We need to talk

  • Tax Notes ( First-time blogger Abdulrahman Azzouni addresses when "Alternate Dispute Resolution Meets FOIA: Resolving Disputes Through Mediation."
  • Palm Beach Accounting and Financial Services ( Credit Where It Isn't Due Dept.: What to remind them about the most common scams of IRS impersonators.
  • Tax Pro Center ( Per the IRS, a rundown on ever-popular gift card scams.
  • Boyum & Barenscheer ( What nonprofit clients need to know — but might not want to tackle — about cost allocation.
  • Current Federal Tax Developments ( There are big events in life and then there are big events in taxes: The IRS has denied tax-exempt status under Sec. 501(c)(3) to an organization that planned to provide assistance, primarily to its members in need, in the event of death, marriage or birthday.
  • Dean Dorton ( Favorite opening of the week: "If your idea of financial leadership involves staring at spreadsheets until your eyes glaze over, we need to talk."
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