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Art of Accounting: Being known

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It has become pretty standard for most people to go online to check out professionals they are considering using. For that purpose, it is important to have suitable information, and particularly a website, that people can access. 

Recently I was asked to refer an accountant for a project and, while I knew the managing partner of the firm I was recommending, I did not know the person who would be doing the work. I checked her out and found a very impressive bio. She was very active in, and a board member of, her CPA society, participated in industry groups and charity boards, and had written a few articles and presented CPE programs. I then felt confident in recommending her; she was well known in our profession and community.

Around that same time, I was also asked by two accountants who wanted to acquire small practices for some ideas of where to find potential sellers. I suggested contacting some older practitioners they might have met at Society meetings and was told they never went to those meetings. One did not even belong to the state society (which I told him to immediately join). I presented a bleak picture to them. They were unknown in the profession. I told them to start attending general meetings, join a committee and also take some of the in-person CPE programs they offered. This way they would get to meet people and become known.

I recently published an article about Bill Hagaman, the recently retired Withum CEO, in The CPA Journal. One of the things he said was that early on, when Withum was founded and continuously thereafter, the partners felt it was important to become known in the local communities where they practiced. They did that royally and today our 180 partners serve on 312 boards. Also, right now the president of the New Jersey Society of CPAs is the third Withum partner who has served as president. Withum also works hard to be known. One of the creative things the firm does is the impressive State of the Firm videos. Here's a link to this year's 50th anniversary video.

I remember when Phil Politziner and Al Mattia started Amper Politziner and Mattia (now part of EisnerAmper) and the high-profile participation of Phil and Al and their entire staff in becoming known locally and in the NJCPA. When I was building my career and firm likewise, I became very active in my professional societies and some local charities. I know from experience that being active in the community and the CPA societies pays high dividends with new business referrals, in addition to the friendships that are established and collaboration opportunities that arise. Plus, it is personally satisfying to be able to give back professionally and to the community.

As I was writing this, I received two emails from CPAs I did not know asking for assistance. I was able to provide what they wanted by email and did not speak with them, but out of curiosity I checked out their websites. One of them provided no biographical information or community or professional society participation or a photo. The other showed a very remarkable, involved person, with a photo making it hard to not feel a personal connection. In my opinion, she is a "known" person with whom clients would be proud to be associated and also refer. Her website is here. Check this out. I do not know her, but she is somebody I would like to know. Compare this to your website and to your "giving back" activities.

Here is yet another example of being known. A friend's firm, Bernath & Rosenberg, produced a short video explaining its philosophy of integrated client wealth management services. Here is a link. This is an additional creative way of establishing your presence and being known. 

There are many other ways you can be known. Look at how you are presenting yourself. Maybe garner some ideas from the above. 

Being known is important. Be known!

Do not hesitate to contact me at with your practice management questions or about engagements you might not be able to perform.

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Practice management Career advancement Career planning Ed Mendlowitz