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Art of Accounting: 153 Ed Mendlowitz checklists free

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My 2022 updated Word file of checklists is now available. There are 128 tax season, practice management and personal tips checklists, and a Getting Your Affairs in Order Tool Kit with 25 added checklists. They have been updated for the coming tax season and 2022.

Included are some personal checklists that I use when I run a barbecue or have to prepare for my weekly card game. I also have a checklist that Benjamin Franklin used on his trips to London and Paris (he spent over 25 years in Europe). I added a SWOT analysis template with over 50 suggestions for an accounting firm, but this can be adapted for your client services. You’ll also find my 2022 practice management and growth calendar and a checklist for financial projections for a client’s business plan.

I also have my reviewers’ individual and business tax return checklists, along with a training program for new tax specialists, and I’ve updated the 30:30 Training Method Crib Sheet. There is a lot here and the file is free. Just email me at and put "Checklists" as the subject. No messages, since I do this myself and it takes time for me to read each message, so skip them. This is my gift to my colleagues and profession. Last year over 15,000 files were distributed for free.

There are also checklists for colleagues in industry and some really good financial planning, bankruptcy and M&A advisory services checklists. There are many management and advisory tips in these checklists and every checklist has been used by me, so they are field-tested. The Word file is over 290 pages with 87,000 words and is fully usable and adaptable any way you want.


Do not hesitate to contact me at with your practice management questions or about engagements you might not be able to perform.

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Practice management Tax season Tax practice Ed Mendlowitz