AT Think

5 post-tax season growth ideas

IMGCAP(1)] Each year, I offer ideas for growth after tax season. While we believe you should continue marketing during tax season because it’s the very best time to grow your business, we realize that for many of you there comes a point where there is a lull in your business development and marketing activities. Here are this year’s 5 post tax- season growth ideas to kick-start or keep your momentum going:

1. Identify tax processes and efficiencies - What do you want to change for next year to improve client service?  Tax season is often one of the few times a year that clients interact with you. You need to ensure you are giving them your very best service. Reviewing what you did, how you did it and what you can change is key to improving your processes before next year. Talking about it while it’s top of mind is important. Otherwise, you may forget it about it come fall.

2. Follow up with clients about tax planning and other opportunities - How many times does a client mention something they want to do and you forget? Probably at least twice as much as you remember. Do yourself and your clients a favor and send them a note to schedule a time to discuss.

3. Proactively reach out to clients - Reach out to clients who you think could benefit from additional guidance. Even if they didn’t request it, follow up and let them know if you think there is something you can do that will put them in a better position next year. Books in bad shape? Consider offering some bookkeeping training. Were there taxes underpaid or significantly overpaid? Offer quarterly meetings with them.

4. Take note of frequently asked questions - Jot down the top 5 most frequently asked questions or missed tax-planning opportunities and then write about them. You don’t need a novel, but 300 to 600 words on the topic should suffice. Not a writer?Consider hiring an outside writer.

5. Revisit your business developmentactivities-Whether it’s the prospect who said that they want to reconnect after April 15 or those COIs you have been dodging lunch invitations from, you need to get back out there. Waiting until June won’t cut it.

What other plans do you have for your post-tax-season marketing and business development?

Sarah Johnson Dobek of Inovautus Consulting is an accounting marketing growth advisor. She helps accounting firms identify and implement strategies to help them grow their firms and distinguish themselves in the marketplace. Connect with Sarah to learn more at 888-491-9330. 

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