Deadline delayed, but still looming, for farmers

Farmers and fishers who chose to forgo making estimated tax payments by January must generally file their 2024 federal income tax return and pay all taxes by March 3.

The usual March 1 deadline, which is a Saturday this year, is pushed back two days.

The March 3 deadline applies to anyone who qualifies as a farmer or fisher and did not make a 2024 estimated tax payment by last Jan. 15. Those who made a qualifying payment by that date can wait until the regular April 15, 2025, deadline to file and pay and still avoid estimated tax penalties.


A farmer or fisher is anyone who received at least two-thirds of their gross income from farming or fishing during either 2023 or 2024.

Taxpayers, including farmers and fishers, in disaster areas have more time to file and pay with an automatic extension. Taxpayers in the entire states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, as well as parts of AlaskaNew MexicoTennesseeVirginia and West Virginia, have until May 1 to file and pay. California wildfire victims have until Oct. 15 and taxpayers throughout Kentucky have until Nov. 3 to file and pay.

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