Stan Mork, president of the Information Technology Alliance, an association of technology professionals and consultants in accounting and other fields, announced plans to step down at the end of next August and retire.
Mork has been president of the group for the past five and a half years. In an email to ITA members and friends Thursday, Mork wrote, “During my annual State of the Association presentation at this week’s ITA Fall Collaborative, I announced my plans to retire as the ITA president at the end of our fiscal year (August 31, 2019). The seven years that I have been responsible for planning the ITA Collaboratives and the last five and a half as your president have been some of the most rewarding years of my career. However, I believe I am ready to move from my part-time, semi-retirement role to being fully retired.”
The ITA is already looking for a new leader to succeed Mork, who took over from two other long-time leaders. “It is my hope that the next president of the ITA will come from within the friends and family of the ITA,” Mork wrote. “When Ron Eagle and Jo Ann Benzer retired from the ITA, we were fortunate to find individuals who were past ITA members and were ready to move into a new role.”
Mork made a pitch for becoming the next leader of the ITA. “The ITA presidency is a great opportunity for someone to assume a significant leadership role with the leading trade association in our industry, with the option of not having to work full-time,” he said. “If someone is at the point in their career where I was in a few years ago, this could be a perfect opportunity to stay involved in our industry and work at a reduced pace.”
The ITA will begin looking for potential candidates to succeed Mork with the goal of having someone in place by next September. He has agreed to work with the ITA in a reduced capacity during fiscal year 2020 to help with the transition.