The Securities and Exchange Commission has accepted the
Both taxonomies use Extensible Business Reporting Language, or XBRL, a data-tagging technology format that helps investors and financial analysts compare information across companies and industries.
The 2018 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy includes updates for accounting standards and other improvements. The 2018 SEC Reporting Taxonomy has elements for meeting SEC requirements for financial schedules required by the SEC, along with condensed consolidating financial information for guarantors, and disclosures about oil- and gas-producing activities. The SRT also provides some dimensional elements whose underlying recognition and measurement aren't specified by GAAP but are generally used by GAAP filers.
The taxonomies are posted on FASB’s XBRL pages and at
FASB is offering a free CPE webcast about the new 2018 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy and the 2018 SEC Reporting Taxonomy called
The SEC can answer questions about the taxonomies via the