Right Networks opens app ecosystem program

Right Networks, a cloud hosting provider for firms that use QuickBooks Desktop, has opened an application ecosystem program, focused on apps vetted to meet the needs of accounting firms and small businesses. Right Networks provides integration with all 150 apps currently in the ecosystem.

Right Networks will continue to grow the ecosystem, leveraging its partner network to expand the apps supported across verticals giving firms coverage and support regardless of the industry they serve.

“Our goal is to serve as a trusted resource to our customers with the creation of this Application Ecosystem. We’ve taken on the time-intensive task of researching and identifying the best applications and negotiating discounts for these applications, so our customers don’t have to,” said Will Yapp, Right Networks’ vice president of sales, marketing and business development. “Every app has been pre-qualified and tested, ensuring that we’re putting forth only the best to the QuickBooks Desktop community.”

To learn more about the program, visit https://www.rightnetworks.com/application-cloud/.

Right Networks

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Cloud hosting Apps