PwC to resell ChatGPT Enterprise

Big Four firm PwC announced that its U.S. and U.K. firms have signed a deal with OpenAI to become its first reseller for ChatGPT Enterprise and the largest user of the product. This means that, beyond just helping clients leverage ChatGPT Enterprise, the generative AI bot will be implemented across PwC's entire workforce in order to further scale its AI capacities.

PwC professionals, under the agreement, will be able to access the most powerful version of ChatGPT, which includes enterprise-grade security and privacy, as well as the latest tools, including OpenAI's recently announced ChatGPT-4o model, which sports new capabilities focused on voice and image. For clients, PwC professions will be on the front end of OpenAI's models to help clients use the generative AI for better business solutions. The firm will also provide a playbook for companies looking to scale their AI infrastructure, apps and services. This agreement will empower PwC US to share real-time experience and learnings with clients across industries as it makes strides in its upskilling program, My AI.

"By being on the forefront of OpenAI's models and as the first company to announce integration into its practice, we are uniquely positioned to help clients leverage ChatGPT Enterprise for better and faster ways of working," ," said PwC in its blog announcement. "By embracing ChatGPT Enterprise across our workforce, we will bring our first-hand experience of our AI transformation to clients, complementing our audit, tax and consulting services with a broad array of business and industry solutions."

PwC's assurance practice announced it's also launching an internal GenAI research tool called ChatNational, which integrates with PwC's accounting insights platform to provide users with bespoke solutions to research queries.

These latest developments build on PwC's already-substantial investments in AI technology. The firm, in its release, noted that it is already developing custom GPTs to help with reviewing tax returns, proposal response generation, software lifecycle assistants, dashboard and report generation and more. It has already identified over 3,000 internal GenAI use cases, driving an end-to-end transformation within its own business. Its professionals have been actively using generative AI with 950 of its top 1,000 U.S. consulting clients.

Other Big Four firms have been beefing up their AI capacities of late. Recently, EY and KPMG both announced recent upgrades to the AI tools used by their auditors, reflecting both firms' embrace of the new technology.

KPMG announced upgrades, specifically, to KPMG Audit Chat, the firm's proprietary generative AI tool, and to KPMG Clara, its global smart audit platform. These upgrades coincide with the deployment of Copilot for Microsoft 365 to all KPMG partners and professionals. EY also announced generative AI upgrades to the assurance service line last week for its 9,000 technology risk professionals. The updates include the release of more than 25 new EY Assurance technology capabilities, the fruit of a multiyear investment of more than $1 billion in generative AI. 

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Technology PwC Artificial intelligence EY KPMG