Expensify now boasts 5 million users
Since the end of last year, Expensify has doubled its user worldwide and now serves 5 million, the company reports. Additionally, Expensify has also doubled the number of accounting firms in its ExpensifyApproved! Partnership Program. Many of these new partners represent top 50 accounting firms such as Kaufman Rossin, BPM CPA, Rehmann, and Wipfli. In April, Expensify announced

ZipBooks releases new 1099 feature
ZipBooks has added a new 1099 form feature to its accounting software. The software now allows users to tag a contact as a 1099 contractor, so every expense from them automatically gets flagged to be included on the 1099 form for them at the end of the year. In order to use the feature, accountants should create a new contact (or edit an existing contact) and tag them as a 1099 contractor, and then tag a new or existing expense with the contact tag. The transaction is automatically tagged as 1099 expense for that contact, and the 1099 label shows up in the transaction list view. Users have the option to search for all transactions with a given contact tag.
Report Amigo releases August updates
ReportAmigo, a reporting plugin for Xero that makes reports interactive, has released new updates for August. The tool now supports actual versus budget reporting. The AP/AR reports now include a new “all time” option that reports all due balances regardless of invoice or bill date; and they offer the ability to sort by balance amount and due date. ReportAmigo also updated its scheduling feature: Users can now edit what reports to send, to whom they are sent, and when the reports are sent. Previously, if a user wanted to edit a scheduled report, the schedule had to be deleted and recreated. Additionally, ReportAmigo has made user interface improvements including cleaning up the schedules list page with less critical information now available upon expanding sections; added report names to emails and text messages; and added further white-labeling options like logos and disclaimers.