The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board released a
The concept release, published last month, asks for
The PCAOB is asking for comments on the concept release by March 16.
“An audit firm’s quality control system is a vital element of supporting the performance of high-quality audits,” said Erin Dwyer, the PCAOB’s deputy director of external affairs and stakeholder liaison. “For that reason, we hope investors, audit committees and preparers will review our release and participate in the comment process.”
Comments can be emailed to
The PCAOB believes that requiring firms to establish effective systems of quality control is foundational to promoting consistent performance of high-quality audits to help prevent, detect and ameliorate deficiencies, but the auditing environment has changed considerably since the existing quality control standards were created 17 years ago (see
“It’s worth noting that we are not addressing this issue in a vacuum,” said Dwyer. “The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, also known as IAASB, recently proposed updates to its analogous quality control standards. Due to the foundational nature of QC systems, we believe that it would not be practical to require firms to comply with fundamentally different quality control standards.”
The PCAOB is considering using the IAASB’s proposal as a starting point as it considers its approach to a new quality control standard. The PCAOB is hoping to avoid unnecessary differences between its standard and the international standard, but anticipates there probably will be some minor incremental or alternative requirements. Another goal of the PCAOB is to take more of a risk-based approach in its quality control framework.

Comments on the proposal can be long or short, and commenters can respond to some or all of the questions in the concept release. The PCAOB plans to review all of the comments it reviews. The comments will all be posted to the PCAOB’s public website.