The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, with a slate of five new board members, posted a
The PCAOB puts together a strategic plan each year with a five-year outlook, but this year the plan is likely to be overhauled now that the board has gone through a complete overhaul of its membership, with a new chairman, William D. Duhnke III, and four other members — Kathleen M. Hamm, J. Robert Brown, James G. Kaiser and Duane M. DesParte — all of whom started their terms this year.
"The PCAOB has accomplished a great deal in the 15 years since it was established by Congress, Duhnke said in a statement. “With the appointment of five new board members, this is the right time to review that progress, and identify what we are doing well and what we can do better. We have a responsibility to make sure we are fulfilling our mandate and providing careful stewardship of our resources. We look forward to receiving input from all interested parties.”
The PCAOB strategic plan aims to align the board’s programs, operations and activities with its overall mission, goals and objectives. This year, the PCAOB is including in its planning process a survey to elicit the views of outside stakeholders who have an interest in the PCAOB, including investors, auditors, preparers, audit committee members and academics.
The short survey is only expected to take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. It asks for perspectives on the PCAOB's vision, priorities and opportunities in fulfilling its mission. The PCAOB is asking for responses to the survey by May 15, 2018. It can be taken anonymously, and the data will be aggregated for analysis with the help of the National Academy of Public Administration, an independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan organization. The survey can be accessed through