Moss Adams launches AI consulting service

Top 25 firm Moss Adams announced the launch of a new AI consulting service that aims to help clients identify realistic AI implementations that deliver value for organizations through tailored solutions set up to meet their unique objectives. 

"Few technologies in the last couple decades have the potential to expand a business' capabilities, increase efficiency and grow revenue like AI," said Michael Parker, consulting partner at Moss Adams. "The AI landscape is crowded and overhyped, leaving businesses overwhelmed with where to begin and how to leverage this technology within their business, potentially leading to AI investments that go under-utilized or poorly implemented. Our team combines former executives familiar with the rigors of growing a business and professionals with deep, practical experience in AI, allowing us to meet organizations' unique needs in harnessing the value of this technology."

The practice will be split into two teams. One is focused specifically on generative AI. Through this service, Moss Adams will help businesses create a central knowledge center that empowers employees to search, access and leverage organizational data, as well as gain augmented workflows aligned with their IT stack and structure. From there, professionals will work directly with the organization to identify use scenarios for generative AI, navigate change management, deliver end-user training and provide additional guidance that may be needed. 

The other is focused on machine learning. This service is meant for organizations seeking to effectively tap into large volumes of data quickly, accurately and at scale, in alignment with broader business needs and goals. Professionals will work with clients to develop customized AI solutions that drive data-based insights and aid in decision making. Working closely with clients, the firm will guide businesses to increase their data's return on investment, boost workforce productivity, accelerate legacy processes and more. 

Loren Den Herder, managing director of enterprise systems consulting for Moss Adams, said in an email that the teams work together, as there can be a great deal of crossover between the two. He added that their services further integrate with the firm's broader consulting offerings, meaning the AI consultancy is part of a larger holistic approach that covers both the technology and the organizational aspects, such as change management or security. The groups are composed partially of experts hired specifically for this purpose and partially those drawn from other parts of the firm, with Herder noting that both technology and business skillsets are required for the solutions to be effective. 

He said that while there are clients new to AI and are looking for a place to start, what they've mostly been seeing so far has been businesses who are interested in AI but need deeper insights — they're interested in the technology, have the resources to invest in it and are looking to get the most out of them. Still, he stressed that the service is for businesses of all sizes at all levels of AI sophisticated: "This is not limited to large complex organizations." 

There are many areas where this new service can be applied, with Den Herder pointing to regulatory compliance as one particular area where AI has been especially useful.

"Generative AI can augment the assessment of a large set of operating policies with regulatory requirements. This removes the drudgery of this language-intensive process and quickly identifies recommendations. It also provides a method to more effectively deliver operating policy guidelines directly to the frontlines of operations in real-time. Generative AI offers a whole new way of thinking about how to solve business problems," he said. 

He acknowledged that the AI landscape has a lot of hype, and it can sometimes be confusing to determine what is and is not worth it. What helps for Moss Adams is an incremental approach that controls implementation costs. They drive for "effectiveness each step of the way," which makes it relatively straightforward to determine real return on investment. This allows people to understand the tangible impact of this new technology, which serves to cut through at least some of the hype. 

"As an accounting firm, Moss Adams comes to the table with a breadth of business insight and familiarity with business finances and operations," said Den Heder. "We understand how businesses operate. We also understand the external factors facing businesses. It's a unique position we, as an accounting firm, have. We're already adept at working with clients to address their unique needs. The service offers an integrated consulting approach that delivers on all aspects of an effective business implementation. We are differentiated from pure technology plays. Overall, we are taming the hype and bringing reality to the value proposition."

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Technology Practice management Artificial intelligence Machine learning Consulting