GASB issues guidance on capital asset disclosures

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board issued guidance today that will require separate disclosures for certain types of capital assets for the purposes of note disclosures.

GASB Statement No. 104, Disclosure of Certain Capital Assets, also establishes requirements and additional disclosures for capital assets held for sale. 

The statement requires certain types of assets to be disclosed separately in the note disclosures about capital assets. The intent is to allow users to make better informed decisions and to evaluate accountability. The requirements are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2025, and all reporting periods thereafter, though earlier application is encouraged.

The guidance requires separate disclosures for four types of capital assets:

  1. Lease assets reported under Statement 87, by major class of underlying asset;
  2. Intangible right-to-use assets recognized by an operator under Statement 94, by major class of underlying asset;
  3. Subscription assets reported under Statement 96; and,
  4. Intangible assets other than those listed in items 1-3, by major class of asset.

Under the guidance, a capital asset is a capital asset held for sale if the government has decided to pursue the sale of the asset, and it is probable the sale will be finalized within a year of the financial statement date. A government should disclose the historical cost and accumulated depreciation of capital assets held for sale, by major class of asset.

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Accounting Accounting standards GASB