Accounting software developer FloQast has some creative ways for accountants and tax professionals to relax during the hectic final days of this year’s extended tax season with a new
"The World's Greatest Accounting Coloring Book That You Never Knew You Needed" portrays various moments in accounting history, including the introduction of double-entry bookkeeping by Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli, the tax evasion sentencing of gangster Al Capone, and lesser-known events like the creation of bubble gum by accountant Walter Diemar, the early accounting careers of rock stars Mick Jagger and Robert Plant and actor Randolph Scott, and the brief NHL career of accountant Scott Foster.
FloQast pointed to a
“Accounting is stressful," said FloQast CEO Mike Whitmire. "We work against non-negotiable deadlines, bear huge responsibility for the success of the organization and yet, are greatly underappreciated. We wanted to recognize those challenges and create resources to help de-stress and remind accountants of just how important they really are.”

FloQast is also providing a 12-minute guided meditation video called "Accounting for Peace of Mind," complete with soothing music and images to remind accountants to take a deep breath during the stressful days of tax season and financial statement audits. “Imagine tied out trial balances, imagine completed PBC [provided by client] requests, imagine an unqualified audit opinion accompanying financial statements you’ve worked so hard to produce,” says the narrator.
The coloring book and the guided meditation could help relieve some of the stress during an extremely busy and stressful tax season, crayons not included.