Today, September 27, marks the Center for Audit Quality's fourth annual "#AuditorProud" day on social media, when the organization and its member firms are informing students and prospective professionals about the many benefits of a career in audit.
Using the #AuditorProud hashtag, audit professionals will be sharing the stories of their careers on various social media channels. Professionals are asked to write about how they got into the field, what they love about their jobs, and what precisely about the profession makes them proud.
“#AuditorProud day helps raise awareness of the important work auditors do on behalf of investors and our capital markets every day,” said CAQ executive director Cindy Fornelli in a statement. “As the profession continues to integrate exciting technologies and new approaches to fulfilling its mission of building confidence and trust, audit firms will need to attract and retain the best and the brightest to its ranks.”
Additionally, the CAQ is welcoming high school and college students who are thinking of careers in audit to use the #FutureAuditor hashtag to upload a creative selfie on social media for various prizes.
Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting is also getting in on the action with a "myth busting" theme this year, debunking popular myths about the audit profession on their

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