The Center for Audit Quality has released two new member alerts to help public company auditing firms address potential risks during the upcoming audit cycle.
The first of these alerts,
Select Auditing Considerations for the 2015 Audit Cycle covers the following topics:
1. Professional Skepticism
2. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting (ICFR)
3. Risk Assessment and Audit Planning
4. Supervision of Other Auditors and Multi-Location Audit Engagements
5. Testing Issuer-Prepared Data and Reports
6. Cybersecurity
7. Revenue recognition
8. Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Measurements
9. Related Parties and Significant Unusual Transactions
The CAQ has also issued a companion alert,
“These alerts reflect the public company auditing profession’s strong commitment to continuously strengthening audit quality,” said CAQ executive director Cindy Fornelli in a statement. “As risks and regulatory priorities evolve, the CAQ will continue to update these resources regularly for the benefit of our members and others.”
The CAQ pointed out that while its member alerts highlight certain areas for consideration, they should not be relied upon as definitive or all-inclusive, and should be read in conjunction with the applicable rules, standards and guidance in their entirety.