CalCPA looks to promote the CPA brand

The California Society of CPAs launched a promotional campaign to highlight the value and role of CPAs and to attract others to the profession.

Members of CalCPA are invited to participate in the campaign, "CPAs: Making Sense of What Comes Next," by sharing their stories and professional journeys by completing a questionnaire. Participants are also encouraged to share the message across their networks using the provided campaign toolkit.


"We're helping build awareness of the dynamic nature of the CPA profession and promote interest among future CPA candidates," said the campaign site. "We're also making sure that business leaders see the true value of CPAs as trusted, strategic advisers."

The questionnaire includes questions such as, "What's great about being a CPA? What do you wish people understood better about being a CPA? What do you hope for the future of the CPA profession?" It also asks if the respondent will work with CalCPA on media outreach and if the respondent is willing to be profiled for the campaign. The campaign toolkit includes social media graphics, banners for LinkedIn and Facebook, and handouts. 

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