AuditFile’s audit automation software now integrates with Microsoft Office Online via the software giant’s Cloud Storage Partner Program. The partnership is aimed at providing accounting and audit professionals with greater flexibility in creating, editing and managing workpapers within AuditFile.
Now, AuditFile users can create and edit files with the .xlsx and .docx extensions from within AuditFile’s cloud environment, without the need to download or use desktop Office tools. Multiple users can work on the files in real time without creating version conflicts or getting locked out. When multiple users are editing a file, each can see who else is in the file, as well as any changes or comments as they are made. There is also no need to create or manage multiple Microsoft accounts, as the Office Online tools are built into the AuditFile Workpaper Manager.
“Our goal is to deliver easy-to-use, cloud-based tools that give audit professionals the flexibility to work when, where and how they choose,” said Kevin Bong, founder and chief operating officer of AuditFile, in a statement. “Allowing users to take advantage of the capabilities of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel from their browsers within AuditFile is a natural extension of this vision. We plan to continue to build on this integration, looking for practical ways to apply and extend that functionality to enhance the customer experience.”
AuditFile combines workpaper and trial balance management, audit workflow, and methodology in an open platform that the company claims is built to integrate with other cloud-based tools used in a firm.