AICPA begins offering fair value measurement credential exam

The American Institute of CPAs, along with the American Society of Appraisers and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, have begun offering an exam for a new Certified in Entity and Intangible Valuations credential for fair value measurement.

The exam will test CEIV holders on their knowledge of fair value measurement, business valuation, accounting and auditing standards, and the uniform guidance they need to follow as credential holders.

To get the CEIV credential, finance professionals also need to have a minimum of 3,000 hours of experience in fair value measurement. The experience will help them determine the values of businesses and intangible assets such as trademarks, patents, technology, customer sales lists and noncompete agreements for financial statements. The CEIV credential also requires quality reviews of credential holders to ensure they’re properly following the uniform guidance issued by the organizations.

AICPA building in Durham, N.C.

“The CEIV credential is an important step in improving the confidence that clients, regulators, auditors, investors and the public have in the quality of fair value measurement results that are included in financial statements,” said AICPA vice president of advisory services and credentialing Jeannette Koger in a statement. “We believe this confidence will be heightened when the preparers and users of financial statements know that fair value measurement was performed by someone holding the CEIV credential.”

Finance professionals who pass the exam and meet the remaining requirements can apply online to receive the CEIV credential from either the AICPA, ASA or RICS. For more information, visit

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Accounting education AICPA