The Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance has opened its 2020 Accounting MOVE Project Survey. The annual poll, which asks public accounting firms to submit data on female representation and leadership in their businesses, will focus this year on "emerging career paths that bring both new ways to propel women to leadership and, in some cases, new obstacles," according to the group.
“Women want to invest in careers that offer flexible, sustainable growth,” Joanne Cleaver, president of Wilson-Taylor Associates, the content and editorial services firm that designs and manages the MOVE Project, said in a statement. “The 2020 Accounting MOVE Project report will equip firm leaders and individual women to align their mutual investment for long-term personal and firm success.”
The MOVE Project is supported by founding sponsor Moss Adams and national sponsor CohnReznick, both Top 100 Firms, with administrative fees from participating firms.
“Our industry is rapidly evolving, and with change, opportunity is created," said Jennifer Wyne, executive director of human resources for Moss Adams, in a statement. "Exploring career opportunities perceived as risky or outside of the typical career path can be daunting, but with the support of the firm and those around them, it can be a game-changer for an individual.”
Firms of all sizes are encouraged to participate in the survey. Registration is open at