Eighty-one percent of firms anticipate a moderate to significant increase in remote work post-pandemic, according to the results of leadership and management consulting firm ConvergenceCoaching's 2020 Anytime, Anywhere Work Survey.
Now in its fifth edition, the ATAWW Survey examines the adoption of flexible work practices in accounting firms across the country. Given the events of 2020, and the mandatory shift to remote work, this year's survey proved especially insightful to firms' changing attitudes in remote work. 223 firms of various sizes were polled through Summer 2020.
Among the findings this year, 81 percent of polled firms said they anticipate a moderate to significant increase in remote work on their teams even after the pandemic has ended — a significant increase in flexible work practices from past years.
"This year's survey was unique as remote work became a top priority inside firms as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Renee Moelders, partner at ConvergenceCoaching, in a statement. "We were intrigued by the findings from our biennial survey, which mostly point toward more remote going forward after the pandemic. Firms expect to see more remote work for team members and remote service delivery to clients, too. Firms are investing in remote and flexible work in new and exciting ways, an encouraging finding considering the reactive nature that many firms operated from earlier in the year."
“We've been talking about the benefits and ‘how tos’ of supporting remote work and workplace flexibility since our inception 20 years ago," said Jennifer Wilson, partner and co-founder at ConvergenceCoaching, in a statement. "Firms that were further down the road with their Anytime, Anywhere Work programs fared better in the rush to remote. However, new entrants are accelerating their own progress in flex and remote due to increased leadership buy-in for these programs and they’re catching up quickly with their more progressive firm competitors. The survey results can be a beneficial resource as firms look to leap ahead in this area.”
Notable findings from this year's report include:
- 61 percent of firms said their shift to remote work was "seamless," while 27 percent reported the change was more challenging.
- 30 percent of respondents expect a reduction in their office footprint post-pandemic, while 62 percent expect to make no change.
- 56 percent of those polled cited managing team members as the biggest challenge in transitioning to remote work.
- 52 percent of survey respondents said they are actively approaching clients about conducting remote audits on an ongoing basis.
- 55 percent of respondents reported they have developed (29 percent) or are working on (26 percent) remote internship programs.
- 59 percent of polled firms said they are employing team members away from their firm offices.
The full 2020 Anytime, Anywhere Work Survey results can be downloaded