People work for money, but they often live for recognition — being singled out for praise for a job well done is a powerful reward, and one the Best Firms to Work For employ frequently to make their staff feel valued.
These sorts of rewards are often handed out by the firm's leadership. At Duckett Ladd Dental CPAs in Missouri, for instance, "We have empowered our managers to purchase gift cards for team members who are exhibiting core values," the firm reported, while at New Hampshire-based Gallagher, Flynn & Co., they have "Partner Pesos" to give on-the-spot recognition for staff.
Immediate recognition is good; so is visible recognition. At Florida's De La Hoz, Perez & Barbeito, all employees receive a miniature football helmet with the firm logo, and when exceptional service is provided, employees are awarded a sticker to put on the helmet — and rewards are given for stickers.
Many firms give managers the power to highlight and reward good work; oftentimes, however, the people who are in the best position to know how well an employee is doing — or how far above and beyond they've gone — are their fellow employees, so many of the Best Firms to Work For give staff plenty of opportunities to shine a spotlight on each other.

Take the "Shout Out" Board that California's Windes puts up during busy season, where employees can post positive comments and praise of their colleagues, or the "Beaird Harris Bravos" that Texas-based Beaird Harris gives out to all employees so they can give them to their peers in recognition of going above and beyond. The Bravos can be redeemed for charitable contributions, gift cards and firm swag. Or consider the "Metzy Awards," at Arizona's Metz & Associates, which are based on peer-to-peer voting.
The human touch is, of course, a major part of recognizing staff — but that doesn't mean it can't be technology-enabled. Upstate New York's Insero & Co. uses software app called SnapEval "for all to provide and receive recognition and performance feedback, and a way to highlight who to give spot bonuses out to based on accomplishments."
Similarly, New Jersey-based Top 100 Firm Wiss reported, "We have a virtual employee engagement platform for peer recognition," while Atlanta-based Top 100 Firm Windham Brannon also uses an online recognition program.
Whether it's driven by management or their colleagues, and whether it involves cash, swag or just effusive praise, being recognized and rewarded for a job well done is a major, and highly effective tool that the best workplaces in accounting use on a regular basis to keep staff engaged and enthusiastic.
This is Day Two. Click here for other installments in