There's a line about one managing partner asking another, "Why should I train my staff if they're just going to leave?" To which the other MP replies, "What if you don't train them — and they stay?"
Helping staff develop into well-rounded professionals, with a range of valuable skills both soft and technical, is a major focus of many of the Best Firms to Work For, one that benefits both the firms and their staff. And that's true even if an employee leaves, with firms noting that those employees become ambassadors for their former firm's brand and expertise.
Florida's James Moore & Co. exemplifies the attitude that values training and education: "Being an advisor is much more about what you're willing to know, rather than what you know," reported the firm, which provides tuition assistance, 50-plus hours of annual training, and more. "We are always learning."
Specific learning programs vary widely. For some, like Michigan's Maner Costerisan, it can simply be exposing staff to a range of different work and different projects. "Employees get to learn something new daily and work on different clients and get experience in a variety of areas and niches," the firm reported.
Others offer education in areas that are of particular importance to the firm. "Our firm has a strong marketing culture focus," explained California's Levitzacks CPAs. "Team members at every level in the firm are provided with training and support related to business and career development."
One common focus is on leadership training. At BeachFleischman in Arizona, "The firm financially supports employees who want to participate in community leadership programs. Greater Tucson Leadership and Tucson Young Professionals are two of the community leadership programs our employees enjoy participating in." Plus, the firm's DevelopU program offers courses in leadership and soft skills that help employees grow in their careers.
Meanwhile, Washington's Shannon & Associates reported, "Outside leadership training is offered to those who want to advance their career in public accounting."
And still other firms take an even broader approach, building educational programs to support individual employees' career goals.

"We have a talent development team dedicated to providing professional support and training opportunities to team members at all levels," said Alabama-based Warren Averett. "All employees have access to individualized coaching to help them reach their personal career goals." And in the same state, Kassouf & Co.'s Career Mapping Program & Predictive Index "provides employees with a toolkit and resources to create and reach their career goals."
This kind of commitment to helping staff develop their careers pays dividends in smarter, better-qualified employees while they're at the firm, and stellar brand ambassadors should they ever leave.
This is Day 17. Click here for other installments in