Accounting Today's annual roster of the thought leaders, change-makers, regulators, practitioners and other leaders who are shaping the profession.
September 7 -
Tax reform, the cannabis industry and cyberthreats are just three of the dangers that are looming large in malpractice insurers’ nightmares.
August 31 -
For all the challenges, there are a host of reasons why accounting should be more attractive than ever.
August 31Accounting Today -
Sensiba San Filippo earns accolades for its social stewardship, while reaching out to the community — and bringing in young talent.
September 7 -
Mazars USA CEO Victor Wahba shares how he learned to run an accounting firm.
August 10Mazars USA -
The ramifications of the Supreme Court sales tax decision go on and on.
September 4 -
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently withdrew an important decision following the death of a judge.
September 4Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting -
The Big Four firm netted almost three times as many new engagements as any other auditor.
August 10 -
Technology is critical to the changes in this core service -- but so are people.
September 6Center for Audit Quality -
Three accounting firms share their experiences with hosting providers.
September 5 -
Six things accounting firms can do to be more future-ready.
August 31Boomer Consulting Inc. -
Low-hanging fruit is great — until it dries up.
August 31Crosley+Company -
While it cannot guarantee any negative publicity will result from an issue, it can help to manage the situation and minimize the reputational damage.
August 21John Steven Vita Communications -
These long-lasting schemes can wreak havoc on a business.
August 20Acuity Forensics -
Preparing for a merger is a roller coaster — even if it doesn’t happen.
August 31"The Radical CPA"