No more robots checking inventory at WalMart, Hubspot for QuickBooks, and eight other recent developments in technology, and how they’ll impact your clients and your firm.
1. These are the worst passwords of 2020

Why this is important for your firm and clients: You’ve been reading — and I’ve been reporting — on the significant rise in malware, like ransomware, over the past few years. Many small businesses have been affected and some so seriously that they were put out of business. There are ways to reduce your exposure but one of the simplest is having your employees use better, and different, passwords. I recently signed up with a password manager and have been making the effort to change every password to something much stronger while keeping them all unique. I’ll be asking my employees to do the same. You should too. Steps like this will save your business the disruptive costs of being hacked.
2. Intuit introduces HubSpot for QuickBooks

Why this is important for your firm and clients: HubSpot is a hugely popular marketing application with strong customer relationship management capabilities. If you’re seeking to integrate your QuickBooks Online system, then you might as well take advantage of a tool from the maker of the application.
3. Google launches Small Business Advisors Program

Why this is important for your firm and clients: I have questions. Can this program assure us that our ads won’t be overshadowed by bigger brands spending millions of dollars? What more can Google be doing to create a level playing for small businesses and their larger, corporate competitors? Also, an advisor is fine, but what can be done to help small businesses actually implement the advice? Perhaps you have the same concerns.
4. Construction tech startups poised to shake up $1.3T industry

Why this is important for your firm and clients: According to the TechCrunch piece, design software such as
5. Engineer sentenced stealing $10M from Microsoft

Why this is important for your firm and clients: Even the biggest companies with the best technologies can still get duped. Microsoft may not even miss the $10 million, but employee theft like this could cripple a small business. I offered a few suggestions for protecting yourself
6. Apple unveils Macs with new chip

Why this is important for your firm and clients: Great new hardware coming soon from Apple. If your business or your clients use these products, you may want to delay purchasing until these new items become available.
7. Google to factor page speed, experience into search results

Why this is important for your firm and clients: It’s a good time to get with your web designers and test your site. If you’re failing in any of the above metrics, your web rankings — and your business — will suffer.
8. Walmart abandons robots checking inventories

Why this is important for your firm and clients: But wait! I thought robots were taking over the world and would end society as we know it! Hmm, that thinking seems a little premature. The reality is that it will be many years before we have reliable non-humans performing human tasks. But it won’t be long before robots can satisfactorily track and check inventory as well as a human. Frankly, as humans, we’re better than that anyway, right?
9. Video conferencing startup Vowel raises $4.3M

Why this is important for your firm and clients: According to the startup, the goal is to create a more efficient and cohesive video conferencing experience for those working remotely, with advanced features such as the ability to provide transcripts and the ability to annotate meetings in order to let participants search content after a meeting, making it easier for members who couldn’t attend, as well as simplifying the process of setting meetings. Will this be enough to use them?
10. Netflix raises prices

Why this is important for your firm and clients: This scares me. Why? Because Netflix is a cloud company. It delivers an online service. And — quietly — they just increased their prices without much opposition. What are you going to do? Give up another season of “Ozark?” Never! But for a business owner, the risk is what happens when the companies providing our cloud applications do the same thing. We’ve got little means to stop them. Beware of this and do your best to negotiate long term contracts.