April users can now file in all 50 states; KSM launches IT services advisory; Expensify announces Expensify Travel; and other accounting tech news and updates.
Tech news: April users can now file in all 50 states
February 28, 2025 11:10 AM
A small Pennsylvania auditor picked up a big tranche of engagements from another auditor that exited the field.
The usual March 1 deadline for farmers and fishers has been pushed to March 3, or further, for those impacted by natural disasters.
Eide Bailly names chief people officer; KSM launches information technology services; and more news from across the profession.
Plus, KSM launches IT services advisory; Expensify announces Expensify Travel; and other accounting tech news and updates.
KPMG Law U.S., based in Arizona, will deliver legal services powered by artificial intelligence and KPMG Digital Gateway.
The window for participating in Accounting Today and Best Companies Group's annual ranking is currently open.