H&R Block acquired an accounting platform, Facebook got into cryptocurrency, and eight other developments in technology this past month and how they’ll impact your clients and your firm.
1. H&R Block agrees to acquire Wave Financial
Why this is important for your firm and clients: H&R Block is, I believe, on the cusp of a trend that we’ll see among many large financial services companies: Offer accounting software to your customers. It makes sense for them and helps compete against companies like Intuit. Look for other large financial services firms – and banks – to snap up bookkeeping and accounting software applications and provide them to their customers as an added benefit of doing business together.
2. Hackers can now bypass two-factor authentication
Why this is important for your firm and clients: This is important stuff, particularly as many of us have adopted 2Fa to help secure out data and networks. Already we have hackers figuring out ways around this security and it’s only a matter of time before 2Fa may be widely comprised. The solution? Experts say a physical device called a U2F key along with extra vigilance are two ways to help prevent the attacks. Talk to your IT people about this now.
3. Facebook announces its own version of bitcoin
Why this is important for your firm and clients: This is just bitcoin for Facebook but it sends an important message: Cryptocurrency is for real and has a long-term future. If your clients are selling on Facebook and sense their customers prefer this type of payment then they’ll need to get on board. More important is that if this catches on — and I believe it will — then you’ll be seeing lots of other cryptocurrencies popping up that are backed by big companies.
4. Microsoft warns about spam campaign abusing Office vulnerability
Why this is important for your firm and clients: Microsoft says danger remains in the form of future campaigns that may exploit the same tactic to spread a new version of the trojan that connects to a working server, giving hackers direct access to infected computers. Luckily, Office users can be safe from this spam campaign because the initial infection vector relies on an old Office vulnerability that Microsoft patched in November 2017. But check with your partner to ensure that you’ve got the right updates applied. (My company, The Marks Group PC, is a Microsoft partner.)
5. Staples introduces an in-store co-working space
Why this is important for your firm and clients: It seems like everyone’s jumping on the co-working bandwagon and why not? With the proliferation of freelancers, contractors, work-from-home employees and remote workers there are plenty of places where individuals (and businesses) can set themselves up and rely on all the cloud based technologies that makes this possible. Maybe this is a solution for your firm, too. Staples has an enormous small-business customer base, and seems as a natural company to make this model work. Plus, if these co-working spaces succeed, it may help their brick-and-mortar stores stick around.
6. Dynamic email in Gmail launched for all domains
Why this is important for your firm and clients: For those of you using Gmail in your business, this is a significant enhancement if you’re willing to take the time out and learn the new features.
7. Dropbox’s big redesign makes it a lot more useful at work.
Why this is important for your firm and clients: As I wrote
8. Walmart adds AI-powered cameras to more than 1,000 stores to reduce checkout theft
Why this is important for your firm and clients: You know what happens when big companies start buying into a technology? More people start making that technology, the price goes down and the technology then becomes available to people with smaller budgets … like small businesses. Or small retailers, in this case. Your clients should keep an eye on this.
9. American Airlines offers satellite WiFi to its entire mainline fleet
Why this is important for your firm and clients: As an American flyer I’ve struggled for many years with Gogo’s inconsistent service and it’s all but driven me off the Internet when flying. Now, I may have reason to jump back on. Maybe you do too.
10. A startup bets high-tech dog lockers will get shoppers to leave pups outside the grocery store
Why this is important for your clients: If you have a client that runs a restaurant, shop or other business that doesn’t allow customers to bring their dogs inside, these guys may have come up with something that can help them draw in new business from people that would’ve otherwise walked right by.
Note: Some of these stories also appeared on Forbes.com.