Firms giving back: H&R Block holds nationwide school supply drive

National tax prep chain H&R Block is holding a nationwide school "re-supply drive" through Jan. 17, 2020; and Top 100 Firm Boyer & Ritter donates more than 3,100 cans of food as part of its holiday party.

Boyer & Ritter


Staff members at Boyer & Ritter collected more than 3,100 cans to construct sculptures for the Top 100 Firm’s annual meeting and holiday party on Dec. 20, 2019. The cans were then donated, along with $200 cash, to the Pennsylvania Food Bank.

The "CAN-struction" teams used donations to build a snowman, Christmas tree, fireplaces, flags and mosaic images of the firm’s CEO. All team members voted for three winning sculptures in the categories of most creative, best engineering and best overall.

“One of the highlights of every annual meeting is a team-building exercise," said Boyer & Ritter CEO Robert Murphy in a statement. “This year we wanted to combine it with something that would also benefit our community and help families over the holiday season and beyond. Our desire is that the real winners of this friendly competition are the Pennsylvania Food Bank in serving our neighbors in need.’’
An H&R Block tax prep office
H&R Block outlet in New York
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg


As part of national tax prep chain H&R Block’s "Make Every Block Better" campaign, more than 10,000 of its offices will be hosting a nationwide school "re-supply drive" through Jan. 17, 2020.

Customers visiting H&R Block offices are encouraged to donate to the school drive, which will help provide teachers and students in need with the necessary supplies for the remainder of the school year.