The coronavirus has made it necessary for white-collar professionals to work remotely and for all to practice social distancing. Colleges and universities have canceled in-person classes and are transitioning to distance learning. The digital age, the fourth industrial revolution, and the future of work are now being tested by archaic bureaucratic and innovative companies alike.
As a CPA who has worn many hats, who has had more jobs than Elizabeth Taylor had husbands, and who is currently working as an adjunct lecturer and independent accounting consultant while also fulfilling seasonal tax-related roles, I try to stay calm and collected during these testing times. Tax season isn’t canceled and I am looking forward to continuing leading the three accounting courses I teach virtually so my students can finish the semester strong. I am fortunate that I have ample experience in change and crisis management, remote projects, and a vast number of resources and a large network to leverage to make sure things go smoothly and class remains as engaging as possible.
How can CPAs who are getting ready to transform into, or already are, future-ready CPAs help accounting students during this period of distance learning? Turns out that CPAs can do a lot to assist students with little time commitment. Being away from the office doesn’t cancel paying it forward.
The future is here, and the time to be here for accounting students is now.
Below are a few things CPAs can do: