In 2012, at the age of 51, I finished my Master of Accounting degree. I was excited and proud I had accomplished this goal so late in life. I applied to sit for the CPA Exam, bought the study materials, received approval, and then … nothing. I opened the first materials and gave up before starting. I was burnt out and wanted only to earn some money.
I went on to pass other tests, went to law school and even sat for and passed the bar exam. Yet the CPA Exam loomed large and forbidding. It was the dragon I was afraid to slay.
Then COVID-19 hit last year. After months of working from home and making few advances in my personal or professional life, I woke up one morning and thought, “Today is a good day to become a CPA.”
Over the next months, I applied for and was approved to sit for the exam again. I purchased study materials and began the study journey. I work full-time, from home, so I began to juggle work, my family and yet meet the goals of a study schedule. So here I am, at the age of 60, finally tackling my Everest — the CPA Exam. I am proud to report I passed my first section on my first try a few weeks ago. I am now studying for the second section.
Here are the top tips I can extend to you should you decide you want to give the CPA Exam a chance: