Accountants Confidence Index -- September 2014

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The short-term and mid-term ACI readings remained in sync in September, though this month that meant that they both declined.

The ACI, published in partnership with ADP, is a monthly economic indicator that leverages the insights of accountants into the strength and prospects of businesses in the U.S. The 3-Month ACI came in at 50.36, down from 51.13 last month, while the 6-Month ACI hit 52.73, down from 53.95.

The index components generally saw modest declines, with the short-term and midterm forecasts for large businesses being the outliers -- both declined almost three points, suggesting our panel is particularly concerned about the outlook for them.

The ACI is created from a monthly poll of the Accounting Today Executive Research Council, an online community of more than 1,500 tax and accounting professiona

Economy Big business Small business Client strategies Confidence Index