Moving to the cloud?
The CEO of private cloud hosting provider Diverse Technology Solutions, Hart laid out a dozen questions you should bring to any cloud provider you might be working with.
(A text-only version of this story is available

1. Where will my data be located?

2. What can go wrong during installation or migration?

3. Are you a reseller of cloud services, or do you own the equipment you provide the cloud services on?

4. Are you sharing hardware resources between clients?

5. What are the specs of the data center you operate out of?

6. Do you have insurance in the case of an outage or data loss?

7. How much Internet bandwidth is needed for the solution to perform correctly?

8. Is my data automatically redundant across multiple data centers?

9. What is the recovery time if the systems hosting my data are completely destroyed?

10. Do you have documented data security policies?

11. What is the average total downtime for the services Im subscribing to?

12. Do you outsource your helpdesk?
Hart also noted a number of items you want to make sure are included in the providers service level agreement, including a clause clearly stating who owns the data (you), a confidentiality clause, clear identification of where primary and back up data will be located; an insurance clause; guarantees of uptime; and a change of business clause covering what happens if the provider is acquired by another company.