The blend of cutting-edge technology and the warmth of human connection is creating a whole new playing field for professionals
April 4The B3 Method Institute -
The economic basics of supply and demand still rule the day: Your firm is worth what a buyer will pay.
April 4The Visionary Group -
Starting a podcast is an investment, but it also has a very high potential upside for accountants.
April 3Summit Virtual CFO by Anders -
Off and Bozo-ing; the 100% tariff; Johnston on hot trends; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.
April 2 -
AI is revolutionizing tax compliance services, expanding opportunities, and improving firm operations, while also improving the client experience and enhancing job satisfaction.
April 2Boomer Consulting Inc. -
Friction simmers within the audit industry following the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board's controversial June 2023 proposal to revise its standard on noncompliance with laws and regulations.
April 2Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting North America -
The best time to start planning your firm's future was 20 years ago.
April 2Accounting Today -
This outrageous story about an accountant's client and his wife might not seem like it's real, but it is.
April 1Withum -
WTF CPAs has used artificial intelligence to get a jump on busy season, just in time for April 1.
March 29Rosenberg Associates -
One of the major challenges in our field is retaining women after they take on another demanding role: becoming a mother.
March 29KPMG