Sometimes spending a little more time on something will save a lot more time later on or reduce the stress level for those involved with that project.
May 27Withum -
Accounting needs to evolve in order to face a new reality.
May 24OLarry -
Barriers keep CPAs, attorneys, financial advisors and brokers from communicating effectively for their client's benefit — and the benefits of collaboration are significant.
May 23Goheen Insurance -
Once you see how much more value you and your managers can deliver to the firm when you're freed up from doing routine client work, you'll never want to go back to the old way of doing business.
May 22Earmark CPE -
IRS errors; hiring your kids; investment fund audits; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.
May 21 -
While being a camp counselor is a rite of passage for many college students, it's not an obvious prerequisite for a career in audit. But it should be!
May 21PwC US -
Strategic planning meetings and retreats for the firm should be free of distractions to be successful.
May 20Withum -
These investment vehicles present obstacles that require a deep understanding of the real estate industry and robust financial expertise.
May 17Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting North America -
Partly in response to the talent crunch, CFOs are reaching for digital platforms to automate, streamline and spare the highest-value talent for highest-value work.
May 16UHY Consulting -
A lack of partner alignment and accountability can get in the way of creating sustainable change.
May 15Rosenberg Associates