Instead of completing 150 credit-hours, this pathway would allow candidates with a bachelor's degree to earn their CPA by demonstrating their professional and technical skills.
September 13 -
China suspended the operations of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for six months and imposed a record penalty over lapses in its auditing of China Evergrande Group.
September 13 -
CPA firms are perfectly positioned to provide advisory and assurance services on ESG reporting, given their infrastructure around audit quality, independence requirements, and professional development.
September 12UHY -
Thomson Reuters unveiled its AI-powered Audit Intelligence suite, and its first solution, Audit Intelligence Analyze, to identify anomalies and generate documentation.
September 12 -
Illinois CPA Society president and CEO Geoffrey Brown and chair Deborah Rood discussed some of the hot topics in the profession during a recent ICPAS Summit.
September 11 -
Climate change remains a top issue for global business leaders in the C suite, according to a report by Deloitte.
September 11 -
Understanding these updates is critical in guiding the tens of millions of LLCs, closely held businesses, and other small-business clients through the complexities of beneficial ownership compliance.
September 10Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting North America -
Stampli unveiled Stampli Cognitive AI, which sports what it says are "human-level" purchase order matching abilities.
September 10 -
Recent projections showing that we could have a deficit of up to 3.5 million accountants by 2025.
September 10Skystem -
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board staff released a report Monday on last year's banking crisis.
September 9