President Joe Biden wants to give the Internal Revenue Service sharper teeth. He’s proposed
Most at risk are taxpayers whose earnings aren’t reported to the IRS by an outside source like an employer or brokerage firm. Studies show that when there's third-party reporting,
Others who have been targeted by recent IRS compliance efforts are also probably going to get more scrutiny too.

Here are some leading candidates.
Pass-through owners
To help narrow the gap, Biden is proposing to require banks to report everyone’s deposit and withdrawal activity to the IRS. Such a
Under Rossotti's plan, taxpayers with more than $25,000 in business income or businesses with more than $25,000 in receipts would be required to designate which banks they use for business income. Those banks would report the account activity to the IRS.
Owners of partnerships, such as LLCs, LPs and LLPs, should also expect the IRS to focus more
Crypto investors
IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said at a recent congressional hearing that the
The agency has created a team it calls “Operation Hidden Treasure,” dedicated to ferreting out unreported gains. It has also included a new question prominently located on the 2020 tax form asking about crypto holdings. Still, a lot more could be done, and lawmakers have said they're working on legislation to standardize crypto reporting. In addition, crypto holders should expect that transactions above a certain threshold may have to be reported annually to the IRS.
High-income non-filers
The IRS recently started targeting taxpayers who earned more than
Offshore account holders
The IRS has been trying to recover money held by taxpayers in unreported
The deceased
So far, Biden hasn't proposed any changes to the estate tax threshold; a 40% tax is assessed on estates worth more than $11.7 million. The 2017 Republican tax law increased the amount at which the estate tax kicks in from $5.5 million. Even if the limits stay the same for the next few years (they're supposed to revert back to lower levels at the end of 2025), it's possible that the agency will make a more concerted effort to ensure that estates are valued correctly. Assets such as land holdings, jewelry and art may require special valuation experts who will make sure the inheritors are correctly reporting the value of the estates.