As the expiration of key Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions looms, tax professionals are preparing for what could be another period of upheaval.
6h agoBloomberg Tax & Accounting -
The reasons why accounting is a fascinating major go beyond mere security. Within the field, a transformation is underway.
9h agoShenandoah University School of Business -
If your culture is based on being able to walk down the hall to ask a question, you don't have much of a culture — or, at least, not much of an intentional culture.
10h agoAccounting Today -
A diverse team isn't about filling seats or meeting quotas; it's about breaking free from the hive mind.
March 27Accounting MOVE Project and bbr companies -
While workplace equality has come a long way, some women in accounting and finance still encounter barriers to advancement in companies that have yet to evolve.
March 26Yooz -
New clients may seem easy to come by now, but that won't always be the case.
March 26Crosley+Company -
Welcome to Tax Court; the subscription model; new blog on the block; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.
March 25 -
With rapid changes in technology, a state-of-the-art piece of equipment can become a doorstop in just a few months.
March 25Summit Funding Group -
By helping accountants to predict results and make informed, proactive decisions, the rise of predictive analytics improves traditional accounting tasks.
March 25Shenandoah University School of Business