When contemplating a 1031 exchange, one of the most commonly overlooked issues by investors is state taxation.
Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code provides non-recognition of gains when real property held for investment or business purposes is exchanged for like-kind real property. However, this non-recognition treatment applies to federal taxation; individual states are still free to impose whatever taxes they see fit on these types of transactions. Currently, all but a few states acknowledge the non-recognition provision of Section 1031 and allow taxpayers to defer the tax liability that would be incurred as a result of the sale of business or investment real estate. In most cases, states require taxpayers to file a form to avoid the obligatory withholding requirement imposed on in-state real estate sales. Certain states, such as Pennsylvania, do not acknowledge the provisions of Section 1031 of the IRC and collect state income taxation whenever someone sells a piece of Pennsylvanian real estate.
Unlike Pennsylvania, taxpayers who conduct a Section 1031 exchange in California may still defer the tax liability that would normally be owed to the Franchise Tax Board, but they must comply with a law that has been known to be a source of irritation among those in the 1031 industry:

Because of its domestic fiscal situation, the state of California requires taxpayers to file an additional form whenever they sell California real estate and then acquire out-of-state real estate as part of a 1031 exchange. This form keeps track of the gains specifically associated with the taxpayer’s ownership of the California real estate. Taxpayers must continue to file this form on a yearly basis with the Franchise Tax Board of California for as long as the taxpayer owns the replacement property acquired in the exchange. If at any point the taxpayer “cashes out” of the replacement property in an outright sale, at that moment the taxpayer would become liable to California for the full amount owed if no 1031 exchange had taken place.
Clearly, this clawback tax law is consistent with the aggressive reputation of California’s Franchise Tax Board. It’s also a reflection, at least in part, of the condition of California’s state pocketbook. Barring some highly unusual series of events, it’s very unlikely that many states around the country will adopt similar laws to aggressively police 1031 exchanges. But might at least a few other states follow California’s aggressive stance?
Necessity May Drive Imitators
An English proverb says, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Necessity may be precisely what propels more states to adopt clawback provisions similar to the one developed by the state of California. Beyond the rhetoric, necessity is primarily driving the behavior of California’s Franchise Tax Board: California’s clawback rule was
Again, it’s not likely that too many states will follow suit and push laws as aggressive as California’s. But if you consider the financial condition of many states across the nation, it’s not unreasonable to assume that at least a few will implement similar rules. This means that professionals from all over the nation need to be aware of this phenomenon – Minnesota qualified intermediaries, Milwaukee tax consultants,
Massachusetts also appears to be having
Clawback Laws Have Significant Impact on 1031 Industry
California’s clawback law is only triggered when a taxpayer conducts an outright sale and “cashes out” of their real estate. If a taxpayer files the correct form — which is form
We don’t know for sure if other states will imitate the policymaking behavior of California. If states such as Massachusetts, Montana and Oregon continue to be bogged down by significant budgetary troubles, it seems reasonable to expect we will see at least several other clawback rules surface around the country. Clawback laws on in-state real estate sales represent some of the more aggressive behavior displayed by state tax collection organizations, and generally this sort of aggressiveness only occurs in the right contexts. Depending on how different states manage to handle their internal finances, we may see the right context more and more frequently.