What is FlexGen? I had eight minutes to describe what it means in my firm when I presented on the main stage, in front 1,000 or so CPAs and CFPs, at the eMoney Advisor Summit in Orlando earlier this month.
The conference’s theme was “The Rise of the FlexGen,” and I found it exciting because they were actually trying to bridge generational differences with an understanding of what it means to be a professional today.
It wasn’t about Boomers vs. Millennials, technology vs. advisory, or experience vs. learning—it was about how all of us need new skills to move forward today. It was about an inclusive approach to working with customers and team members. Imagine that. Seriously, it was amazingly refreshing.
I was also part of a power hour at 8:00 am that included some sort of green veggie shot of juice. (I chose not to partake in the green shot because I already have enough energy as it is!) Within the power hour, there were seven advisors, ranging in age from mid 20s to mid 50s, discussing how they were part of the FlexGen.
FlexGen embraces change, feels comfortable using technology, and helps clients achieve their goals. FlexGen is proactive and involves flexible work options. FlexGen loves learning.
Every single speaker rocked their version of FlexGen. Imagine how much better our firms would be if we all adopted the mindset of FlexGen—our customers would be served better, our team members would be happier, and I would even argue that we would make more money since happier teams and customers produce more money.
Are you ready to join the Flexgen?